Forestry & Tree Services
Trees in the parks, on the sidewalks, and in the medians are all cared for by Baltimore City Recreation and Parks’ Forestry Division. With over 125,000 street trees and a large inventory of park trees, the Forestry Division always has a busy day. Like any living and growing thing, trees require water, air, sunlight, and a little TLC.
Forestry prunes and removes trees to ensure public safety and clears roadways after major storms. Through our TreeBaltimore program, we partner with organizations and volunteers to plant over 8,000 new trees every year. Our work is a strong component of the mayor’s initiative to attract 10,000 new families to Baltimore and to provide a greener, sustainable environment for all our residents.
Mailing Address
2600 Madison Ave.
Baltimore, Md. 21217
Phone: 410-396-6109
Daniel Coy
City Arborist
TreeBaltimore Website
Greening Coordinator
Phone: 410-458-7888
Fax: 410-396-6645
Part of a tree’s natural growth often causes branches to die or to grow in directions that get in the way of an urban environment. Branches have to be pruned and others have to be cared for through cables and braces. Trimming crews try to concentrate on one section of the city at a time, minimizing wasted travel and set-up time.
Have a problem? Call “311”
Citizens should never try to deal with a public tree problem on their own—even if it’s in front of their home! They should call 311 and report the problem. Trees on private property, however, are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Tree species of Baltimore
There are many different tree species that grow throughout Baltimore, including maple, oak, dogwood, and Linden trees. It is critical that you choose the right tree and location to get the most from your tree.
• Approved list of trees from Baltimore City Forestry Division
Frequently asked questions
Forestry-related topics come in almost as many forms as trees. That's why BCRP Forestry provides frequently asked questions and answers. These questions come from citizens like you. We hope that you find them helpful and informative.
Please let us know if you encounter any problems or have suggestions. Feel free to email us your comments or questions.
Title | Size |
Street Trees Species List for Baltimore | 590.73 KB |
Street Tree Planting Request Form | 141.34 KB |